"The true Paris is full of freak shows, repositories at three centimes a night for unheard-of beings and human phantasmagorias...There, in a cloud of ammoniac vapour...and on beds that have not been made since the Creation, reposing side by side are hundred, thousands of charlatans, of match sellers, of accordion players, of hunchbacks, of the blind and the lame; of dwarfs, legless cripples, and men whose noses were bitten off in quarrels, of rubber-jointed men, clowns making a comeback and sword swallowers; of jugglers who balance a greasy pole on the tips of their teeth...; children with four legs, Basque giants and other kinds....."
Walter Benjamin 2002 The Arcades Project Pg. 524
Cyanotypes on Fabric
Cyanotypes on Japanese Shoji Paper
Materials and Techniques: A series of cyanotype prints on cotton and Japanese Shoji paper
Size: Each print approximately A4
April 2021